Its Ducky Derby time again, Sunday, September 26, 2010. Ducks will be launched into the Sacramento River, upstream, at approximately 3:30 p.m. Can you believe it, this is the 21st Annual Ducky Derby! How do I know this? Easy, my kids have a bunch of Ducky Derby tickets to sell! If you need any tickets let me know, there’re only $5.00 each.
This year the Ducky Derby Grand Prize is a 7’ x 10’ Dandy Ducky Kids Playhouse from Meeks Lumber. But wait, there’s more. You could also win 4 box seats to a Giants game (an $850.00 value), a whitewater rafting trip for 4 courtesy of Terry Hanson, a fly-fishing trip for 2 and last but not least, a diamond topaz necklace from DeVons Jewelers.
All of the prizes mentioned above are great prizes but I think there should be a few more prizes. At least a couple hundred more prizes at least.
I’ve talked with a lot of Redding business owners and they would be willing to donate goods and services to such a great cause. Granted, the value of their offering might be a free dinner at (fill-in the blank) or a buy one widget get one widget free etc. My point is, there could be hundreds more Ducky Derby winners. Logistically, you couldn’t announce all of the smaller prize winners at the Ducky Derby. However, ticket holders could check a web site to see if they’ve won a prize. Almost everyone could be a winner with so many of the Redding merchants offering promotions these days.
Talk about win-win, the merchants would get name recognition on the Ducky Derby website and there could be 300 more reasons to purchase a Ducky Derby ticket. If this were the case, I might buy all of my kid’s tickets and they could have more time to do their homework, (yeah, right.)
These are just my thoughts, what do you think?
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