One of the most important marketing tools you have to sell a home are the photographs. Sometimes we “share” funny photos we find in the Shasta County MLS and have decided to add the “Bad MLS Photo” series to our Blog. We’ve saved several photos over the years and figured it’s time to start sharing some of them with you.
First off, let me apologize if you see your home listed here. If your home is for sale, it might be a good idea to take some new photos. If it’s not your first time seeing these photos; what were you thinking?
Photo of a home in Bella Vista CA. The photo bites but I hear the dog is friendly.
Click on the photo to enlarge.
With only one photo posted, this home is still for sale in the Shasta County MLS; go figure.
Send Us A Photo - Maybe We'll Post It!
Do you have a photo that others would enjoy seeing on our Blog? If so, we would love to have a look, please upload your photo here.
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